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Memories of Orion at Twilight

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February, 1995

Vol 2, Number 2

Well, January has been just as crazy as December was! After the Christmas rush, things didn't slow down much after the turn of the year. Not that we're complaining, mind you, but it looks like we'll have to wait til February to breathe and do our laundry.

We went to Rustycon in the middle of the month. What an experience! Due to some irresponsible parties, the convention was canceled on Sunday morning. Damages to the hotel included theft or damage to crystal chandeliers and paintings and intimidation of other hotel guests by persons, it is rumored, in black with fangs. At this point, no one knows who the offending parties were, but there are rewards out for them from both merchants and private individuals. The only functions allowed to continue that day were the art show and auction and the dealers room.

The entire convention was ruined for over 1000 con goers by a few misbehaving individuals. This is just another example of a growing problem on both the science fiction convention and the Society for Creative Anachronism circuits. An influx of newcomers to both venues is exceeding the capacity of the groups to absorb it. Thus, newcomers come on the scene with all the rights and privileges of old-timers with little of the knowledge and responsibilities to go with it. I know that this doesn't apply to everyone, but it's the ones who aren't assimilated that give the rest of each group a bad name. I feel that in each venue we need to look into ways to integrate newcomers, lest the few ruin everything for the many.

As I am writing this, the shop is getting ready for Ursulmas at the Monroe Fairgrounds the last weekend of the month. Sponsored by the shire of Aquaterra chapter of the SCA, this annual event is a medieval faire with merchants, demonstrations, armored fighting, and much more. Watch this newsletter for upcoming SCA events in our area. Those open to the public are usually a lot of fun and well worth the drive to visit.

We are still searching for a long table and chairs so we can start our classes this month. If anyone has a set they could let us use until we have the resources to purchase our own, please let us know. We have many people asking for Tarot Classes, EZ Math Seminars, and all the other fun things we could do with a classroom setting.

We looked everywhere for this list of what's going on. Our periodicals have more extensive calendars if you are looking for something in particular, and they are all free.

February is going to be a month for beginnings. The store is going to be involved in are the Psychic Fair on the 4th, and we hope you can find the time that Saturday to come see the festivities. And if you have been looking for a particular reference that you saw in one of the other books you bought at our store, please let us know at this event so we can start searching for it.
Feb. 4 - NORTH END PSYCHIC FAIR, beginning a monthly fair on the first Saturday of every month in Edmonds, WA. Psychics, Tarot Readers, Astrologers, Vendors and much, much more. For more information, call (206) 355-9399.
Feb. 4 - PSYCHIC FAIR, put on by the Church of the Divine Man. Featuring workshops on meditation, healing, clairvoyance, and chakras. A Christian church with an open mind. For more information, call (206) 258-1449.
Feb. 4-5 - BASIC SHAMANISM WORKSHOP, with Leslie Conton. Contact: J'aime ona Pangaia, Blue Earth Legends, 8215 SE 13th Avenue, Portland, OR 97202; (503)234-2224.
Feb. 5 - SERVING IN SILENCE: THE MARGARETHE CAMMERMEYER STORY premiere screening at the King Theatre in downtown Seattle. Call 206-323-5191 for reservations. And don't miss the TV showing on February 6th at 9pm on Channel 5.
Feb. 10-12 - The movie "CLERKS" is playing at the Historic Everett Theatre. For information, call 206-258-6766
Feb. 11-12 - Noel Tyl (Sexuality in the Horoscope, Astrology's Special Measurements) will be in Seattle, WA, giving seminars at Greenlake Metaphysical Center. Call 206-525-2229 for details.
Feb. 16 - "SABRINA", The Senior Classic Movie of the month at the Historic Everett Theatre. For information, call 206-258-6766.
Feb. 18 - SONGS FROM THE HEART, at the Downtown Everett Theatre featuring Gretchen Hewitt & David Rosario. For information at reservations, call 206-258-6766.
Feb. 18 - HEATHER ALEXANDER CONCERT, Ceili at the Crossroads. At the Crossroads Learning Center in Seattle. For more information, contact Crossroads at (206)325-8790. Special Note: Orion at Twilight will close early for this. She is one of our favorite singers, and we are NOT missing this concert.
Feb. 19 - YOU ARE BECOMMING A GALACTIC HUMAN WORKSHOP, at the Scottish Rite Temple in Seattle. Featuring Sheldon Nidle & Peggy McConnell, authors of the book of the same name. For information, call 206-762-1750.
Feb. 19 - MISS TEENAGE WASHINGTON PAGENT, at the Historic Everett Theatre. Featuring the most beautiful young women in the state. For information, call the Theatre at 206-258-6766
Feb. 24 - TELYNOR CONCERT, at the Crossroads Shopping Center in Bellevue. For more information,: (206) 524-5050 or telynor@aol.com
Feb. 25-26 - SHAMANIC DIVINATION TRAINING, with Leslie Conton. Contact: Janine Ellison, PO Box 82, Clinton, WA 98236; (206) 341-1586.
Mar. 17 - BLUE MOUNTAIN SUMMIT, a selection of local bands plays at the Historic Everett Theatre.
Mar. 23-24 - OKLAHOMA, at the Historic Everett Theatre. Performed by the Holy Cross High School
Mar. 25 - EVERETT SYMPHONY CHAMBER ANSEMBLE, playing at the Historic Everett Theatre. For information, call 206-258-6766.
Mar. 29 - REIKI CLASS, held in our classroom under the Raceway. For more information, call us at 206-303-8624.
Apr. 13-16 - SPRING MYSTERIES FESTIVAL, sponsored by the Aquarian Tabernacle Church. This is a Pagan festival that has been held for the past 10 years. For more information, we have the application fliers in the store, or call (206) 793-1945.

As always, we try to bring you word on the new items you can find on our shelves.

For those of us who are Deep Space Nine fans, there is a new type of ear ornament that is becoming prevalent at conventions. The Bjoran Earring is a combination pierce and cuff piece. Orion is making them personally, and they are unique and beautiful peices of jewlry, perfect for ceremony.

Show your support for AIDS research by getting one of our ribbon pins, earrings, or pendant. These have been provided by the North Puget Sound AIDS Foundation.

If you purchased a set of the crystal glass votive holders showing the Sun, Moon and Star, you will be pleased to know that we found a new one with all three celestial symbols. Come in and complete your collection.

Our bookshelves are slowly expanding. After each event, convention or other fair, we look at how much we were able to make, and then we sort through the books left over to see if there is anything we don't have that we would like to carry. The more we make, the more we keep. Our eventual goal is to make the north wall nothing but bookshelves.

The statues of Dancing Shiva (Natraj) are some of the most beautiful artwork found in India. Several of our suppliers import directly from India, Pakistan, and a few other countries, celebrating the arts and craft of those cultures. Many people have collections of these figures of various sizes and detail. Our latest shipment included several that are a full foot tall in bright brass or copper. They are truly beautiful pieces.

If you remember the headdresses we have on display, you will want to see the new one with the beads in a rainbow pattern. The artisan can and will do custom pieces, especially now that she found a supplier for the right size wire down in Seattle. So if you are looking for a costume piece, or something to go with a formal gown, use your imagination and see what we can create for you.

Just in case you didn't believe that our Smoke-maker was actually for sale, you might be interrested to note that a woman came in the other day and caught it at a sale price. This is an ultrasonic device that uses high frequency vibration to change the surface of the water from a liquid state to gas, creating a cold ground fog. There is a gift show in Seattle this weekend, and we hope to have one back in the store soon, this time in a rock and water scupture that should be breathtaking.

Llewellyn Worldwide is one of our suppliers for books and periodicals, and is considered one of the best sources for metaphysical information. They recently sent us a box of the magazine New Worlds of Mind and Spirit free of charge. This is Llewellyn's customer outlet, giving reviews of all their new upcoming books, with a nationwide calendar of events, as well as a full listing of their current titles (all of which we can get for you).

Our cobalt blue glasses and bottles are some of the most beautiful pieces in the store. Most of these pieces are made in the finest glass shops in Spain. We can get glasses of many shapes and sizes, as well as plates and bowls, but due to our limited shelf space, we can't display very many of them. If you would like to see what we can get, come in and ask to see our catalogs. We will find what you are looking for and bring it to you.

If you have not visited recently, you should come in to see the new candles we were able to get. Tall, hand tipped taper candles come in many different colors, and we had to limit ours to four. And we ordered a smaller size taper, not knowing that they were truly miniature. These little candles are perfect for birthday cakes, doll houses, and small dark corners that need a little bit of light. We enjoy watching people come up with ideas on what to do with them.

We also have a new type of candle made of beeswax. They are made in Seattle by a teacher of massage, and they combine two colors in a star and moon pattern.

For those of you familiar with our altar candles, the company's last batch came with some changes to the colors. Balance changed from the dark pink to a bright pink color, Creativity went from a dark to light green and Majik changed from a dark brown or purple to black. We are slowly switching them out as they sell.

Smudge sticks are used for purification or as giant incense. We finally recieved a major shipment of white sage, mountain sage, and a few other types, so if you've been waiting for them, they are here.

Also new is a larger size of the charcoal for the Mystic Temple and Astrological charcoal incense. They burn for a little bit over an hour, where the smaller ones burnt out after 45 minutes.

Our latest find in consignment are the Lightwands. These take a small piece of Quartz or other clear crystal at the end of a copper tube flashlight to make the crystal glow in various colors. They take regular AA batteries, and would be great for camping with kids or nighttime parties.

A young man came early in January wearing all black looking at one our pentacles. The first thing he did when he bought it was string the chain through the underside of the star, making it hang point down. Then he bought a jump ring so the star would hang flat against his chest when he did this.

When asked, he claimed knowledge of what the symbol meant in both directions, because he mentioned "Satanic Worship." I guess this is a risk we take by selling the five pointed woven star, but I was hoping it wouldn't happen, at least not while I was in the store. Many people don't realize the true history behind that symbol, or that the star originated as a positive sign in both aspects. To those of you not familiar with the Celtic Symbol of Life, here is the history of it:

From The Magical Practice of Talismans:

"The two most widely used talismanic signs are of course the five pointed star which is also known as the pentacle or pentagram... The pentacle is also called the Seal of Solomon because, together with other signs, it is supposed to have been engraved on his signet ring. It is, however, of great antiquity and was found on Babylonian vessels long before the time of Solomon, presumably as a preservative or protective device. The Greek followers of Pythagoras called it the Pentalpha, because it can be seen as five alphas intertwined. It should be made with one stroke of the pen, brush or engraving tool. If it is made of metal - preferably silver, the metal of the moon goddess - it should be made of one unbroken strip with only the one join to complete it. Because there is no opening in it, it was believed in the Middle Ages that the Devil could not enter it. This unbroken aspect of the pentacle is often reinforced by placing it within a circle. Occultists make use of this pentacle's protective powers by working from within one painted on the floor or on a sheet or rug, in which case many other symbols are arranged in the design. Medieval folk called the pentacle by many names indicating this aspect of the symbol such as Goblin's Cross, Devil's Sign and Wizard's Star. The pentacle was regarded as a sign of the earth goddess by the Celts, and this view is still held by witches. The pentacle with one point upward is the sign of the goddess, of spirit ruling matter; the pentacle with two points upwards signifies the horned god and the rule of matter over spirit. The pentacle has also been seen as a symbol of man as microcosm, for it can be regarded as a chematic figure of man with legs apart and arms outstretched, and occultists use this symbol. Other interpretations of the pentacle include the view that with one point upward it is a talisman for good fortune and with two points upward it is unlucky, or even the identity talisman of a Satanist, though it is hard to see why unless the pre-Christian horned god is equated with Satan as he was in medieval witch-hunting days. The pentacle has also been seen as representing the interlocking of the male and female principles, the five senses, the five books of Moses and of God. It is sometimes worn by travelers to ensure a successful return home or as a talisman against the Evil Eye and demons."  

Many things come to light when research is done to prove the old stereotypes and misconceptions to be what they are: flat wrong. - Calador


In the January Newsletter, we mentioned Hypatia as an example of Christian Intolerance, and I promised that we would get her story and put it in Historical Review. I found the information I needed in The Women's History of the World" by Rosalind Miles:

"Trained from her birth in about 370 AD to reason, to question and to think, she became the leading intellectual of Alexandria where she taught philosophy, geometry, astronomy and algebra at the university. She is known to have performed original work in astronomy and algebra, as well as inventing the astrolabe and the planisphere, an apparatus for distilling water, and a hydroscope or aerometer for measuring the specific gravity of liquids. Adored by her pupils, she was widely regarded as an oracle, and known simply as "The Philosopher" or "The Nurse." But her philosophy of scientific rationalism ran counter to the dogma of the emerging religion of Christianity, as did her womanhood and the authority she held. In a terrorist attack of the sort with which women were to become all too familiar, Cyril, the patriarch of Alexandria in AD 415, incited a mob of zealots led by his monks to drag her from her chariot, strip her naked and torture her to death by slicing her flesh from her bones with shells and sharpened flints."

Source for this is quoted as being the book Hypatia (1853) by Charles Kingsley.

While I usually review books on a single topic, this month I've selected several books that I found interesting:

101 Ways to Avoid Reincarnation or Getting It Right The First Time, by Hester Mundis. One of the few books I've run into where even the Table of Contents is funny. Examples: Astral Plane Reservations; Decorating Your Inner Space; Channeling For Dollars; Atlantis on $5 a Day; and Gestalt! God Bless You. Chapter's are usually only a page or two long and frequently come with an amusing cartoon that amplifies the lesson. Very good for a laugh and perfect as a gift.

Creating Community Anywhere; Finding Support and Connection in a Fragmented World, by Carolyn Shaffer and Kristin Anundsen. If you're like the rest of us, you find yourself yearning for something . . . fulfilling, somehow. Something like the extended family your grandparents had or a group of like-minded people to share ideas with. This book addresses that need with concrete suggestions on developing a community around yourself, including support groups, residence sharing, social clubs, ritual and creativity groups, neighborhood associations, electronic networks, discussion groups, salons and spiritual communities. Also, it provides guidelines for creating effective communication, productive meetings, joint decisions, and dealing with conflicts. Rich with anecdotes, quotations, cartoons, and photographs, this book offers profiles of successful communities and other models of what works and how to overcome common difficulties. Truly a rich source for creating alternative communities.

Growing Old Disgracefully: New Ideas for Getting the Most Out of Life, by The Hen Co-op. Eleanor Roosevelt said, "The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience." This book promotes this idea, with lots of ways to live more fully at an age when others are pushing to "be responsible" and an "example for the younger generation." In poetry, prose, interviews, essays, and photos, these women invite you to have fun and enjoy your life. Although it is aimed at women from 60 to 75, women of all ages will benefit from these ideas for growing.

Dear OATH: 

It would appear in your attempt to shield paganism (which to my knowledge doesn't practice Satanism, a Christian concept) you have instead excused one man's reprehensible behavior and painted paganism and satanism with the same brush. I object! It's hurtful enough to be maligned and misunderstood by non-pagans; I expect more from you. Tragically, ritual abuse does exist. You could do a great service, however, by reminding folks that ritual does not equal abuse. Did you mean to align yourself with Satanism as your article suggests? Or with Paul Ingram personally? Or with the idea, simply, that persecution of pagans is a danger which needs to be addressed. 



Dear Friduana:

The article in question was "The Scorceress' Apprentice Writes" in our January Newsletter. I believe the intent of the article was overlooked, and perhaps overshadowed by the subject. The main focus of the article was that the memories "recovered" by the church counselors, which turned out to be completely false, are an attack on efforts to correct people's stereotypes of witchcraft and pagans in general. These stereotypes can only be corrected if people are given the whole truth, and not the illusions drawn up by people trying to control what we see and hear. We encourage everyone to read the book on the incidents mentioned in the article. The book is a true telling of the events leading to Paul Ingram's imprisonment. His actions toward his children were not ritual abuse, and in fact were not abuse at all, but stress from a hard job that he sometimes brought home. Whether he was guilty of abuse is not our concern, as it is an internal family problem. It is the misuse of "recovered memories" that needs to be addressed and corrected in today's legal system.


The month of February turns everyone's mind to love, and what better herb to start with than Lavender. The name Lavender derives from the Latin lavare or lavage, meaning "to wash". Many soaps and bath waters were scented with this fragrant herb dating back to the Romans. During the Middle Ages, lavender was thought to be an herb of love serving as both an aphrodisiac for affection as well as keep a lover chaste when sprinkled with herbed water.

Lavender is a "modest" medicinal and culinary herb. It is most commonly used for it's pleasant fragrance and aromatherapy. It may act as a sedative or a stimulant, usually depending on the users needs. The lighter color flowers (white or pink) tend to be more stimulating where as the darker flowers (blue or lavender) are more sedative in nature. Lavender is a wonderful herb to treat headaches, either sprinkled into a hot foot bath or used in a cool compress on the forehead. When lavender flowers are steeped in warm water they may be applied as an anti-bacterial to cuts, minor burns, or bug bites. This is probably due to the volatile oils in lavender containing camphor. When used as an infusion lavender can help relieve eczema, psoriasis, and muscular tension. Lavender's astringent properties make it wonderful as a facial wash and toner, stimulating new skin growth, and is popular in lotions, shampoos, and perfumes.

Overall, lavender is a pleasant and versatile herb. It grows well in most gardens and was a popular favorite with William Shakespeare (a romantic at heart). Some other herbs of love you may want to try are Ginseng, Licorice Root, Marshmallow, and the wonderful stinky rose... Garlic. I wish you well and enjoy!

Blessed Be.


Editor's Note: Rose is our supplier of the wonderful herb oils and vinegars that we carry in the store. Come in and try a herbed lavender or rose oil for massage or a good long hot bath.


One of the biggest criticisms I hear from my Pagan buddies is that it seams most Christians don't bother to ask questions. Instead they simply accept what they are told blindly, not using the intelligence the Creator gave them. I AGREE!

While the basic tenant of the Christian way is to accept on faith without having concrete proof, that does not mean to just believe something because Reverend So and So says So! If you hear doctrine that makes sense to you and wish to accept it, then do so because YOU believe it, not because someone tells you it's the thing to do.

It's an interesting thing about sheep, you know. From what I've been told, they (and other herd animals as well) will follow whomever is in the lead, regardless of where they go. If the leader falls off a cliff, then those behind him will do the same, even though it is not the smartest thing to do. A Pack, on the other hand, generally follows the leadership of the most intelligent and strongest member of the group. When that one shows signs of not being able to do the job or of making decisions that don't have the group's best interests at heart, then another takes his/her place, usually one who has demonstrated the ability to do so.

If only that were the truth in religion. Sadly, it does seem that the herd mentality is more prevalent in the realm of Christianity than in other faiths. Unfortunately, the emphasis on acceptance by faith tends to perpetuate the problem.

Someone who leads his/her flock and tells them "I know where you need to go, you don't need to worry or think about it" seems to assume his/her followers are either too lazy to bother or lack the brains to make the decision for themselves. I, for one, have no wish to follow someone who holds that opinion of me!

So, I say to you out there, Christians especially, listen up! Pay attention! Use your noodle, show some intelligence in your belief system. Instead of just playing follow the leader, cast off your sheep's clothing and join the pack.

To the pagans, I would say talk to your Christian brothers and sisters, show them this article. Maybe they don't think because they've never considered that they should. If nothing else, it should make for some very interesting late night discussions.

Robin White

Guest Meower

Tips for Cats who attend Ceremony

I enjoy reading Wendy Tiger. Perhaps she will let me share some things I have learned in my short life with a ceremonially involved two legged. If you, also being a fur person, are living with one of these, you might appreciate some hints on being most helpful. (That is why you chose this particular two-legged, isn't it?)

As we are all aware, fur people are better at listening to Spirit than our two-leggeds. So sometimes the scented smokers they use to clean their spiritual ears are hard for us to tolerate. That's OK. I like some of them but sometimes I bury my nose in my tail or leave altogether. I can always come back. My chosen two-legged has noticed how the energy of any gathered group weaves a little more harmoniously after I have been by and bestowed my spirit connected blessings. I've found the best way to do this is to circle the group clockwise at least once, rubbing my nose against feet or knees, receiving thankful pats and scratches, waving my tail high. This is especially effective at pipe ceremony.

The sweat lodge seems to benefit from my inspection before anyone enters. I leave a body rub on the poles in the four directions. I do not recommend being in the lodge during ceremony! We fur people have no need for that kind of cleansing.

I would really like to attend moon ceremony, but my two-legged says, since it is after dark, it is likely I'd wind up as coyote tidbit because of where I live. So I content myself with leaving blessings on the baskets and objects my two-legged prepares, by nose rubs and close inspections. Then I sit in my screen porch and send good vibes.

The solstice and equinox feasts are some of my favorite times. Everyone is so appreciative of the presence of us fur people. On those days our diets are forgiven and we can accept choice morsels from naked fingers.

Of course, I don't attend every ceremony. My main job is the emotional health of my two-legged. As you know, a good ceremony will bring up growth issues - that's one reason they do ceremony - and a fur person on a lap at just the right moment, or a mutual head rub, a paw to a cheek, a good purr is part of the support a two-legged needs when they are trying so hard to help and heal the whole planet. It isn't a job for a fur person who prefers being a pillow potato, but I wouldn't trade it for any other! Do you have any comments, Wendy?

Julia White Feather Bear

Before I get started, I'd like to offer a special greeting to all those literate cats (and the literate dog) who wrote to me personal letters. I would love to answer every one in person but, alas, my time is limited (and the human I share space with won't let me near her computer).

All the letters I received seemed to share a common theme, that of an animal's purpose and place in a human society. I look forward to hearing from more of you in the future. Also, while it was not meant disrespectfully, the idea that I was looking for letters from 'literate cats' did not mean to exclude other species, especially in the matter of discrimination. As a certain amphibian has expressed so beautifully, "It's not easy being green."

This month's topic is something I call "CATITUDE"

What is it? Catitude is a sense of who you are and what your purpose is while here. Some cats seem to have been given a higher calling than others, while some haven't discovered their mission yet. Some of us exist only to bring comfort to our Patronesses/Patrons and some actually have tasks such as blessing ceremonial objects and/or attending Ceremonies and Circles. It's sometimes easy to let ourselves become prideful of our roles, especially when they are of the latter type. This is a negative aspect, or a Bad Catitude.

I've also discovered that Catitude is that which allows us to enter a Circle without disruption and having to recast. We can also cross Magikal barriers and see into dimensions that humans can't.

I can't tell you how to achieve Catitude. When you have it you know (and so does everyone else). It's also possible for other species (dogs, humans, ferrets, birds) to achieve it.

There are other aspects of Catitude that I would like to discuss but, unfortunately, I'm running out of room (and my paws are getting tired).

Meow for Now!

Wendy Tiger

Editor's Note: Wendy likes to get letters from other literate cats. If you have an intelligent feline friend that would like to write to Wendy, please help by putting his or her words on paper. We would love to get a good conversation going between them.

Editor's Note: LETTERS! WE'D LIKE TO RECEIVE LETTERS! If you have any comments on this newsletter or and subjects of interest to our readers, or have questions we or our readers might be able to help with, please email to OATH@chadlupkes.com

© 1996-2008 Chad A. Lupkes