Orion at Twilight Catalog

Book Listing

This book list is by no means everything we had. I am typing this catalog in manually, so it's going to take me a while, and several incarnations of the catalog itself to get where I want this to go. If there is a book not on this list that you would like us to get for you, please let us know.

Eventually, we hoped to have links for each book that would tell lots of details about it, everything from the Publisher to reviews by people who send them in. This didn't happen, but I'll work on getting this list connected with Amazon.com so you can read the reviews there and purchase them if they are still available. The ISBN column below will contain the link to more information about the book at Amazon.com.

ABC of Witchcraft Past & Present Doreen Valiente $ 11.95 0919345778
American Druidism Daniel Hansen, Msc. D. $ 14.95 0897166000
Aradia, Gospel of the Witches Charles Godfrey Leland $ 5.95 1564146790
Book of ShadowsYOU!!!$ 14.95
Eight Sabbats for WitchesJanet & Stewart Farrar$ 14.95
How to Make & Use a Magic MirrorDonald Tyson$ 8.95
Master Book of HerbalismBeyerl, Paul$ 14.95
Natural MagicValiente, Doreen$ 8.95
Pagan PathFarrar, Janet & Stewart$ 14.95
Rebirth of WitchcraftValiente, Doreen$ 12.50
Spells and How they WorkFarrar, Janet & Stewart$ 9.95
Tree Medicine, Tree MagicHopman, Ellen$ 10.95
West Country WiccaRyall, Rhiannon$ 8.95
What Witches DoFarrar, Stewart$ 9.95
Wiccacraft for FamiliesMcArthur, Margie$ 14.95
Witchcraft for TomorrowValliente, Doreen$ 8.95
Witchcraft: A Tradition RenewedValliente, Doreen and Evan Jones$ 10.95
Witches WayFarrar, Janet & Stewart$ 24.95
Witches' GodFarrar, Janet & Stewart$ 15.95
Witches' GoddessFarrar, Janet & Stewart$ 14.95
Witchcraft, Satanism and Occult CrimeOberon Zell$ 4.00

© 1996-2003 Chad A. Lupkes

Last Updated: August 10, 2003