Here you will find the pages created by and for my genealogy research. All the pages have been done manually, with the genealogy information compiled from my family records and the many email and web page contacts that I've made. These pages are growing every day. Literally.
Just in case there is any confusion, I am NOT a professional genealogist. I am an enthusiastic genealogist. The difference is that I don't have a lot of money to work with to go places, or get primary sources.
The pages on my personal genealogy site begin with me. To take a look, click here.
Welcome to my Genealogy pages! I'm glad to be a part of Chad Lupkes' Lupkes Project.
The Lupkes Project
My own name is Lupkes, so here is a link to the Lupkes Genealogy Pages:
I have much of the data on my own ancestors in this family on my genealogy pages, but so much work has been done to create the existing pages, I'll let them speak for themselves.
Another site with information on it about the Lupkes Surname:
There is a simple form you can use designed by Chad Lupkes. blank.html is the page, and you can manually but easily add ancestors and descendants in a program such as FrontPage Express like I am doing, or even in notepad if you know enough about HTML, which is NOT HARD TO LEARN.
Links may or may not be completed. This is a continuous and ongoing project. If you don't see sources yet for an individual's information, it's probably because I haven't been able to get the page updated. Let me know about any sources you have found that should be included. If you have any of these names in your own genealogy, please let me know, and we will see about getting a page created to link our information. I can set up an email link to your email address, or help you create these pages on your own site for your specific family. After all, the more people we have with these files linked, the more information we can put online.
If you ARE any of the names in this database, please email me with your secret to long life.
Here is a link to my main Home Page, with my other interests.
Last Update on 08/05/03 Chad A. Lupkes