Seattle Webcrafters - Philosophy

The Internet is evolving into many different things, but the primary aspect of the Internet is advertising on the World Wide Web. The first thing many people do when they want to learn about a business, product or candidate is to do a search online. If they don't find a site focused on what they are looking for, they give up or worse, start reading about what other companies are selling, or what other candidates are saying.

The World Wide Web is full of websites that are designed to quickly grab the attention of the viewer. Too few of them actually focus on the content of the pages, the navigation methods used, or how fast the pages load. Because many people are still on telephone dialup, the World Wide Web often becomes a World Wide Wait. Creating sites that address this limitation is one of my business philosophies. I write all the HTML, Javascript, CSS, and PHP code by hand, so I know exactly how big my pages are, and how long they will take to load at even the slowest connection speeds. The faster the pages load, the more people will be willing to stop and take a look.

One of the biggest issues on many websites is the navigation. It often changes from page to page, or some of the links don't work because the pages get moved around and the navigation is not updated. One of the first things I do when building a site is make sure I know what pages I will be writing and how they are connected. And I'm learning new techniques to do this all the time. Every site is a work in progress, and things can always be improved somehow.

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